David Jay

The Rise of the Cosmetic Industry

The Second World War dwindled the supply of petroleum and alcohol, one of the core components of cosmetics, resulting in a shortage of cosmetic products. However, the demand for makeup skyrocketed as the majority of women gained financial independence. The era’s fashion emphasizes femininity evidently from the bold colors used in lipsticks, rouge, and nail polish.

Organ-on-Chips: An Advancement in the Medical Industry

In 2007, Wyss Institute invented organ-on-a-chip (OoC), a device containing cell culture imitating human organs. This invention allows the control of biochemical and cellular responses, which are not available in animal testing. Combined with new technology (e.g. AI), organ-on-a-chip can revolutionize pharmaceutical development for the better.

Suisse Secrets: Weirdest Corporate Fines in History

Credit Suisse’s reputation was shattered in February 2022 when a leak, titled “Suisse Secrets,” surfaced online, revealing the information of more than 30,000 Credit Suisse clients. Several customers were allegedly involved in serious crimes. Consequently, many organizations began to question the legitimacy of Swiss banks and their policies.

Big Mouth Billy Bass: The Big Catch

Made up of rubber latex and relatively simple, but revolutionary machinery, it was known for its silly antics, flopping around, bending its neck, and lip-syncing to Al Green’s

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